Our 6th annual End of Year Show will be held sometime in late June in 2025 (More details to follow!) We will have a mandatory all-day dress rehearsal close to this time as well throughout the entire day. Both dress rehearsal and the concert will be held at the Eastside Performing Arts Center (pics below). Please see all details below and keep an eye out for Concert updates and deadlines as we get closer to the date!
The End of Year Summer Concert Fee is due by December 16th, 2024. The fee demonstrates your commitment to SE23 Studio’s annual concert. Fees are as follows: First child $40, Additional siblings $35 each.
Attendance to class is imperative! We strive for quality instruction and curriculum. We ask that every student makes their best effort to attend each class. We have implemented an attendance policy to assure a quality performance for all students. Any student who misses more than 8 classes from March 1st through to our concert in June, will need to schedule private sessions at the teacher’s discretion. Holidays and studio breaks are not included in this policy. Private sessions are an extra cost, which will be added to your fees at the time of scheduling. Without a private session, a student with 8 absences can be removed from the concert.

Our costumes bring a unified and polished professional look to your child’s performance. Costumes are mandatory for all participants and classes. Prices for costumes will be from $70.00-$130.00. Shoes are not included in the costume. Shoes are extra, and if they have not been purchased already, they will be from $20 to $50 depending on the type. A costume deposit of $25 per CLASS ROUTINE is due on January 1st, 2025. A second costume deposit of $25 per DANCE (S) is due on February 3rd, 2025. All remaining balances are due on March 3rd, 2025. Please be aware if balances are not paid in full by this date, a late fee will incur. You will find all of your costume balances, updates and remaining balance in your Parent Portal, which you can access from our website. Once the end of year concert commitment is made all families are responsible for ALL COSTUME COSTS. No refunds and/or credits are given to families who decide to pull out of the End of Year Show.
Professional pictures will be taken during the dates of May 23rd - May 25th, 2025. Group and individual photos will be available. It is MANDATORY for every student to attend their selected time slot for photographs. The group photos are very important to the camaraderie of each class and will be available for purchase prior to the Summer Concert. More details on Photo Weekend to come soon!
Dress rehearsal will be on Thursday in June prior to our show weekend throughout the entire length of this day. More details to follow as well as exact dates! This rehearsal day is MANDATORY! Students will not be able to perform if they do not attend the dress rehearsal. Video and photography are allowed during rehearsal. HOWEVER, video and photography are strictly prohibited during the concert. Students and parents will receive important detailed information about the location, final bow, dressing rooms, and backstage as we approach the concert dates.
Our 6th annual Christmas Show will be held on Friday, December 13th, 2024 (SHOW A) and Saturday, December 14th, 2024 (SHOW B) with times to follow! Christmas concert fees are due on September 9th, 2024. The fee demonstrates your commitment to SE23 Studio’s annual Christmas Concert. Fees are as follows: First child $40, Additional siblings $35 each. Performers will be required to wear a custom made 2023 Christmas Concert Performing Merch Item. The item will range from $35.00 - $45.00 Per Student. Performing Merchandise Item Fee will be due on Friday, November 1st, 2024.
Tickets for this will go on sale on Wednesday November 13th, 2024, at 12pm (Noon) PST. Families will be emailed the ticket link and will also be able to find it on our Instagram page in our profile.